Contiguous / Secant Pile Walls (CFA / Bored method)

Contiguous/Secant Pile Wall pile techniques are very similar in concept with bored piles however can be completed by bored pile method or continuous flight auger method.

Secant piled walls are a type of embedded retaining wall and can be created as cantilevered or propped for greater excavation depths. These techniques form a continuous barrier to reduce flow of soils and water through the wall.


secant pile walls use cases

slope stabilisation

Support excavations

structural support


WHY USE secant pile walls


Australian Piling Group Pty Ltd provides a wide range of services with various machinery, our quality systems main objectives are to be specific and committed to ensuring high quality of service and product.

A highly recommended implementation to our piling rigs is the addition of a computer based monitoring system, “drilling mate system”. These systems provide our project mangers a back to base real time analysis of efficiency and progress.

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We can cater bespoke and flexible solutions for all your piling needs. With our in-house team of Designers & Engineers, we can deliver all foundational solutions on-time and on budget.